In this video, we’re going to be talking about the new game Monster Hunter Now that has just been announced. This game is sure to bring a lot of new fans into the series, and we’re going to show you all the gameplay, trailer and release date info!
So whether you’re a fan of the series, pokemon go or mobile games in general, be sure to check out Monster Hunter Now! We’ll be keeping you updated on all the latest details so that you can plan your journey ahead!
#monsterhunter #monsterhunternow #pokemongo #gaming #mobilegame
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I miss when people remembered Ingress…
jose gomez
01.05.2023That’s a whole lot of nope for me
01.05.20232:08 what is this?
the super good boy kids ?
Valen Raid
01.05.2023No.. Just no.
01.05.2023Listen to me: imagine a group for a raid monster, like Kulve Taroth or Safi Jiva, just a huge ass group.
Chain Dubz
01.05.2023I was hyped until I saw its another dogshit mobile game….WHERE IS MONSTER HUNTER WORLD 2!?!?
01.05.2023What a waste of time trying to develop this game. Who even asked for this?
OpTiOn SeVeN
01.05.2023I’m hyped. Anything MH is good.
26.04.2023Lol I knew it was mobile immediately
Matt G
26.04.2023This is about the last thing I wanted from a new monster hunter…
Justin Ross
26.04.2023Been a fan of Monster Hunter and I think whatever this new game is will be very subjective. I miss the PSP days where we first got to meet up with other players and enjoy adhoc party which was made better when we got it on 3DS. The handheld was the highlight of Monster Hunter for me but on a smartphone? Maybe until we see how the game plays will we be able to judge it. MH has been a skill based game ever since the first title so moving to mobile platform is really worrisome.
Mr Mack
26.04.2023How the heck can Yeager hunter legends do what monster hunter cant like smh what world is this
26.04.2023Hard pass.
cLuTcH BleacH
26.04.2023First it's Call of duty,Dmc,Kingdom hearts and then they made Gran Turismo unplayable on controller now Niantic and Timi Aka Tencent got their hands on monster hunter. Talk about taking a sh*t on peoples childhoods for a quick money grab. Has Anyone seen the state of codm? Or maybe even Pubgm yea.. same company this is concerning asf. Hopefully enough people say screw this and don't financially support these projects at all
Freindly spice Run
Ronaldo Natali
26.04.2023Thanks, but not my thing
The Admiral
26.04.2023The tencent x capcom mh game is still in development I think
Art Anthony Enao
26.04.2023Id ratther make a paid game byt make sure its like mhr not like pokemon go….
24.04.2023Really hope they have insect glaive in the beta, or at least on release..
core Genesis
24.04.2023For someone hate outdoor, please had the mod for fake GPS 😢, so I can open while I had a rest at work
Ethan Johnson
24.04.2023I was excited about a new monster hunter game… then I heard Niantic.. then I heard smartphone..😢
Bo 3bdallah
24.04.2023I think i will crack the game with my Ihunternow.exe 😂
Behrooz Gaming
24.04.2023i was excited for this and hopefully it will be great
Behrooz Gaming
24.04.2023and also saw the Japanese mobile monster hunter.. and it was so fun but not with Niantic but hopefully the gameplay is the same because it was fun…
Chrom Awakened
24.04.2023Cannot wait to find fatalis at the nearest seven eleven, i mean castle schrade
24.04.2023im going to play it love the idea of monster hunter on the go
Noah 235
24.04.2023Booooooooooo console/pc releases only!
And add a new weapon next big MH game 🙏
Jacob Evans
24.04.2023this looks so bad wtf
23.04.2023Waist of game development. Pokemon go got boring after a month. Same thing will happen to this. MAKE MHW 2!
23.04.2023Four years in a bleep dam mobile game that could had been spent on making the best MH game ever. I’ll pretend this “game” never existed.
23.04.2023Jesus, why? I don't want walk to hunt😢
Rory Rubymace
23.04.2023I still play Pokemon go, and this excites the hell out of me. Been a lifelong fan of MH, cannot wait.
23.04.2023If I can get a new phone this year I'll consider trying this
Jonathan seibel
Jonathan seibel
23.04.2023I was hoping it was monster hunter game in a modern setting.
23.04.2023no thanks.
23.04.2023My joke about a “Monster Hunter Go” just got announced?!? It’s going to be real?!? I can see now people getting smashed and thrown about by their phones, and then slapping their own faces in a daze, before suddenly collapsing and getting hauled off on a cart by cats.
Tristan Globocki
23.04.2023got me excited for nothing
Carson Guerra
22.04.2023This looks fucking amazing!!!!! I will spend whatever I feel like on this, I want to directly fund capcom and monster hunter in any form including niantic
22.04.2023Nah, I ain't going to run like that.
Sombrero con un ojo
22.04.2023no dude another game and its not monster hunter 6.
Wins Lycan
22.04.2023They tried this before without AR. It goes down horribly.
I doubt this will be good.
Yael Carrasquillo
22.04.2023Nope, where's the main game for consoles? I don't want a phone game come on capcom!!
22.04.2023If successful This could be a huge impact on the player base of monster hunter
Goofy June
22.04.2023This is great. (i dont go outside)
22.04.2023Pass. Give us back lagiacrus and underwater hunts. It's been long enough.
22.04.2023I take it they need extra funding for their next project. micro transactions from mobile games does wonders for fundings
22.04.2023Do you guys not have phones?